Digital work orders Automotive Electronics and Actuator Trainer

Practical assignments with Actuators Trainer (basic), 2 h 32 min; Practical assignments with Actuators Trainer (advanced), 4 h 01 min; Practical assignments with Actuators Trainer (specialist), 2 h 39 min


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The Actuators Trainer consists of a practical set-up and the associated E-learning. The practical set-up contains all necessary components that can be connected to each other with the help of the corresponding wiring set. The components are used to give the student more insight into the different circuits, actuators and semi-conductors that can be found in electrical engineering. The student measures various actuators/semi-conductors or builds circuits step by step and then performs relevant measurements on the associated actuators /semi-conductors . Based on the measurements, the student will explain the operation of the circuit and its components.

Automotive Electronics and Actuators Trainer (basic), 3 h 16 min
After going through the practical assignments you are able to: Recognise actuators. Explain the operation of actuators. Explain the application of actuators. Check actuators. Analyse measured results.

Preparatory theory with Actuators Trainer (basic), 44 min*
  • Relay - basics
  • Diode - basics
Practical assignments with Actuators Trainer (basic), 2 h 32 min
  • Actuators Trainer: Relay - basics
  • Actuators Trainer: Test diode with multimeter - basics
  • Actuators Trainer: Testing diode with a lamp - basics

Automotive Electronics and Actuators Trainer (advanced), 5 h 10 min
After going through the practical assignments you are able to: Recognise actuators. Explain the operation of actuators. Explain the application of actuators. Check actuators. Analyse measured results. Build circuits. Perform measurements on electric circuits.

Preparatory theory with Actuators Trainer (advanced), 1 h 09 min*
  • Zener diode - advanced
  • Duty cycle - basics
Practical assignments with Actuators Trainer (advanced), 4 h 01 min
  • Actuators Trainer: Zener diode - advanced
  • Actuators Trainer: Build lighting circuit - advanced
  • Actuators Trainer: Build flashing light circuit - advanced
  • Actuators Trainer: Lighting with duty cycle control - advanced

Automotive Electronics and Actuators Trainer (specialist), 4 h 26 min
After going through the practical assignments you are able to: Recognise actuators. Explain the operation of actuators. Explain the application of actuators. Check actuators. Analyse measured results. Build circuits. Perform measurements on electric circuits.

Preparatory theory with Actuators Trainer (specialist), 1 h 47 min*
  • Capacitor - specialist
  • Light dependent resistor - basics
Practical assignments with Actuators Trainer (specialist), 2 h 39 min
  • Actuators Trainer: Timer circuit - specialist
  • Sensors and Actuators Trainer: Electric motor and shunt resistor - Bonus lesson - specialist

License: You purchase a license for any number of students and teachers with a period of validity of 10 years. This can be extended individually after. The software will be activated on your Electude e-learning domain.

* Separate license may apply for the Preliminary theory.

Category: Digital work orders
Item number: 12020162
EQF-Level‍: Level 2Level 3Level 4
E-Learning‍: Electude