T-Varia Cart

The mobile trolley for up to eight T-Varia system panels. Star grip screw connection for quick change of the system plates as well as insertion possibilities for their storage. The model allows the usage of the front and back side and thus allows a versatile use in the classroom.

The modular system for practice-oriented and student-compliant presentation of the required lesson contents. The training content andtargets required for car electrics can be taught quickly and in a practice-oriented and student-specific manner. The design with bilateral operation is particularly suitable for student group work. Device boards for many subject areas available.

Features Basic Unit

  • Mobile with board carrier for 4 system panels each on the front and back
  • Subframe with insertion option for system panel storage
  • For demonstration lessons and group work
  • 2 - 4 student's workplaces
  • Brackets for cables
  • Many subject areas or lesson sections
Category: Others and Accessories
Item number: 11010020
Product weight‍: 85,00 Kg
Dimensions ( length × width × height )‍: 71,00 × 110,00 × 178,00 cm